Health & Safety

The Health, safety and Wellbeing of the children and staff at Dallas Early Learning Centre is paramount. Every effort is made to ensure our children and staff are kept safe and free from harm.

In the case of serious illness or accident, staff will attempt to contact the parent immediately. Please ensure that the telephone contact you have given is correct. If emergency treatment is required an ambulance will be arranged without delay.

It is essential that all parents sign the authority for staff to seek treatment at a hospital or call a doctor and/or ambulance so that emergency treatment may be commenced.

The staff keep a record of any accidents which occur at the centre, and will inform you if your child has hurt him/herself.


Sun Protection

Children and staff are required to wear protective clothing when outside. This includes: hats, and shirts that cover their shoulders and necks.  Children will be asked to wear hats for outdoor play. Children who do not have a hat, must play in sheltered areas or stay inside.

Sun cream is available at our Centre in all rooms, foyer and outdoor area for easy access. Children will be encouraged to apply this before going outdoors. Please speak to the Centre Supervisor if you would prefer your child not to wear sunscreen.

Safety of the Environment

  • Parents and visitors are asked not to smoke on the premises.
  • No animals of any sort will be permitted on the premises at any time.
  • The centre has an emergency evacuation procedure in place and it is practiced on a regular basis.
  • Staff conduct an ‘Outdoor Area Checklist’ each session to check for hazards in the outdoor environment.
  • A monthly Occupational Health & Safety checklist is conducted at our Centre to identify any potential hazards indoors and outdoors.
  • Maintenance requirements are communicated to our management office who arrange for trades people to attend to the matter.
  • There is at least one staff member with a First Aid qualification at the centre at all times.
  • If an accident is deemed minor, first aid will be administered by a staff member.
  • If an accident is of a more serious nature, then first aid will be administered, a parent contacted to collect the child, or an ambulance called.


  • Children may be given medication at the Centre if:
  • The medication is clearly labelled for each child and in the original container with a current use-by-date.
  • Parent completes and signs a medical authorization from and hands the medication to the room leader on duty.
  • Over the counter medication will not be administered.
  • Panadol will only be administered if a child’s temperature is over 38’C and all other attempts at reducing the temperature have failed. Staff will attempt to make contact with parents/carers to receive verbal permission for Panadol to be given. Parents will then be requested to sign the medical authorization form when collecting their child.


Childhood illness can often be life-threatening to your children. In the interest of the health of all children attending the Centre you are required to provide an immunisation History Statement to the Authorised Supervisor (prior to commencement) as required under the Public Health Act.

From the 1st January 2018 any child who is unvaccinated will no longer be able to enrol in childcare in Victoria. Children who do not have a written exemption provided by a medical Practitioner and who are not eligible for the Grace Period following the completion of a Grace Period Eligibility Assessment Form will also not be able to be enrolled in Childcare.

Immunisations must be kept up-to-date and the Director/ Nominated Supervisor notified each time an immunization is completed.


Should your child become ill whilst at the centre you will be notified and asked to come to collect your child immediately. It is important that you collect your child promptly to minimize your child’s discomfort and to reduce the possibility of cross-infection with other attending children.

Your child may return to the centre providing that they are not contagious and are not undergoing the first two days of anti-biotic treatment. A doctor’s certificate verifying all illness information needs to be provided on return to the Centre.

If your child needs to take medication for non-contagious illnesses, please hand them to the staff upon arrival. The medication forms must be completed to give authorization for the medication to be administered.

Only prescribed drugs will be accepted and administered.

It is essential that parents inform staff of any health related problems. A child’s life could depend on staff having the right information. Allergies or chronic conditions which your child has, should be discussed with staff, so that they are familiar with how they should attend to your child if necessary.

At the time of enrolment, parents will be asked to fill in an information form regarding asthma. Medication will be given according to written Doctor’s instructions and normal medication procedure.

Infectious Diseases

Children suffering from infectious diseases (e.g. diarrhoea, measles, mumps, chickenpox, and conjunctivitis) or if vomiting must be excluded from the service for the period of time specified by the Victorian Department of Health guidelines. Consultation with your family doctor is recommended.

If your child is diagnosed as having an infectious disease, it is your responsibility to inform the Centre immediately.

A child with a fever of 38’C must be kept at home. It is advised that the child stay home, fever free, for at least 24 hours. Their activity level and appetite should be back to normal before returning to care.

Please Note:

The Nominated Supervisor keeps a library of all contagious diseases. The list in this handbook is not all inclusive, hence the Nominated Supervisor has the right to refuse entry to the service unless adequate certification/evidence is provided by the parent to the Nominated Supervisor’s satisfaction.